lunes, 1 de julio de 2013



As if situated in a vague and remote space
death comes
to take us by the arm.

One can think that she is our shadow or our dream,
or perhaps a big sister
who left home a long time ago,
but surprises everyone like the arrival of an unexpected wave
or the crying of a prodigal child.

In the drunkenness of night
with its song of a crow,
with its golden halos shooting fire,
wakes us in a dream or in lethargy.
It lances us toward the absolute calm of darkness.

Then we understand
that it has always been near
that its presence is like the murmuring of a river
bordering the edge of our delta.

But at the hour of the abyss
the hour of the deadly concert
—when the Fanzah* bird sings its requiem in the backyard
or ancient bells ring,
death is not as unusual
as it is thought to be
like the impenetrable shade
that suddenly bursts into flame
and the terrifying night
in a labyrinth of perfume
where anemones begin to blossom
in the distant yard on the other side.

*see tales of Calila and Dimna (1251)

Winston Morales Chavarro (Columbia)
From Antologia
translated by Jonathan Harrington

sábado, 29 de junio de 2013


Há uma mulher em minha casa
Eu não sei se olha para o canto, para o mundo

De qual lugar ela se gira.

É como o vento, árvore noite, uma oração para os casos difíceis.

Eu não sei, e ainda assim eu sei que é um ensejo.

Como se o sonho não fosse o suficiente

Para entender completamente.

Minha mente se volta para as alturas, como candidato a não sei qual cordilheira

Eu não sei de qual precipício.

Há uma mulher que se casou comigo
Quando eu descobri apenas

Que nasci para ser um homem e dormir.

Uma mulher de cera e maçãs gigantes Guáimaros.
Com um suave suado feminino e,

o que acontece a um rio resmungando ventos moderados

de nostalgia plausível ou fantástico mundo.

Uma mulher em meus sonho
Uma mulher em que nem eu não sei , para quais locais cessa a fazer curvas.
A mulher a quem as árvores, os pássaros e até mesmo campos do quotidiano

falado com a vocação maravilhosa comunicam-lhe segredos inescrutáveis pedras e rios

Há uma mulher que olha nos meus mundos subterrâneos e os seus seios como decantado

balsâmico são como sombras que vivo, e sabe
todos os segredos das minhas noites oprimidas na lua macia da minha angústia.

Winston Morales Chavarro
Traducción: Diva Franco

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013



To Jader Rivera Monje.

Now that I am so many things at once
Now that I assume my former lives
And throw them to the flesh or the mud
so they become poems
or little leaves that face
The crisp air of Zaire
They call me Lazarus.

I am Lazarus
Son of Bethania
Brother of Martha and Mary
I have known death
The river of roses, gladioles, violets, myrth and lilies
That i have journeyed, navigated and breathed
The four days that lasted
That Odyssey through the fascinating world of shadows.

I am Lazarus
I have seventy names
Music, wind, bird, ox and rain
Are some of them
I believe in resurrection
In survival
In the warm breeze that go far
Beyond these tribes
I have risen from the mud nine times
And now
I am the dust that does not turn to dust
My hands and feet
Arer still tied up with funeral garbs
But it is also true
that under my body grow the herbs
the worm, the centipede, the fragrant calambrinas
The seagull that takes off in a flight
looking for other air currentes.

I am Lazarus
Inhabitant of Bethania
Friend of the synagogues
Of Canaan, Carfarnaum, Nazareth, Galilee
and other distant lands
whose names you would not understand
My face is covered with a cloth
But every time I rise to life
Every time a butterfly
reminds me that a I have been born again
The cloth gives way
To other stars, other lights,
New animal species, other roads.

I am Lazrus
In this trip at the end of life
I will seat on another rock
To spin the sacred cord
The piece of river
That sends me back to another current
Where all the voices claim,
All the musicians sing,
All the rains say:
“Lazarus, arise!"

Winston Morales Chavarro
Translation: Luis Rafael Gálvez

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013




Come beloved Daphne

Let us go through life and through the woods

Like two suns wounded by enthusiasm.

Let us go

Let's celebrate ourselves in the prison of the demonic
In the deliberate indigence of love.
 Time is short

The night rushing like lightning
Filigrees its sentence
Recovers its daggers in the declinations of symmetry
In the archetypes and quibbles of the correspondences.

Come, beloved Daphne,
Let us go through life
Before the kiss of death is born in our lips,
Before the ire of the gods turns and twists
 In the leaves of the Laurel and the wines
Let us go

Let us play at being Achaeans and Trojans

Discarding all the things they built

Let us breathe deep, knowing ourselves so tall,
So beautiful and crazy like water,
Like the wind and the night that passes through the sexes
Of those who love each other tenderly

Come, daughter of Peneus
Let us go through the labyrinths of shadows;
Let's love each other ‘til our arms

Fall exhausted before the sun,
Before the bark and the endless clamor of twilight

Winston Morales Chavarro
 Translation: Luis Rafael Gálvez